The Five Essential Elements: Transform Your Energy, Impact & Life
1/29/20: Why do some people thrive in the midst of a challenge while others wither? Does the tyranny of busy-ness need to be a staple of...

STORY IN A DOT: How to Pack an Experience into a Single Metaphor
1/28/20: Marketing is coming in smaller and smaller packages. We used to have 1 min TV ads; now we have 10 seconds to capture attention....

Celebrating the Sheroes this month
International Women’s Day may be over but all of March is Women’s History Month which gives us the opportunity to celebrate successful...

Guest Post: Belle's World - The Parlay Effect
Have you ever thought about the Parlay (Ripple) Effect of giving and receiving or even witnessing this process? It was a chilly but sunny...

Guest Post: Eve of Disruption - Story in A Dot
Over my career, I followed technology instead of marketing technology and its opened up a world to me that I couldn't have imagined 20...

Corporate Board Readiness Series Training - Multiple Sessions
1/15/20: Should a corporate director role be part of your next leadership step? Our 2-part workshop will help you understand the ins and...

Guest Post: Eve of Disruption - Women on Corporate Boards
Do you know that CA has passed a law mandating, every public company, in the state, have at least one female director by the end of 2019?...

Partner Event: The QUEENMAKERS: Women Power Brokers in San Francisco
12/4/19: Much has been written about the groundbreaking number of women who were elected into Congress in the last election. What many...

Meet Her
11/21/19: Meet the Women Leaders for the World who we believe are our greatest hope for solving the problems of the world and innovating...

Webinar: Navigating the Mergers and Acquisitions Experience
11/18/19: Company directors must be prepared at all times to consider M&A opportunities (to buy assets or other companies, or sell assets...